Where Commerce Sync for Desktop Lives on Your Computer

Commerce Sync for Desktop is an application that is installed on your computer. This application is what transfers your sales activity into your QuickBooks company file.

There are several ways to access the Commerce Sync for Desktop application. Here are the two most common ways:

  • A shortcut that is on your computers desktop
  • In your System Tray (down by your date/time in the bottom right corner of your computer

Look for the Commerce Sync logo either on your desktop as a shortcut or in your system tray 

Once you've opened the application, you can:

  • See the file path and company file Commerce Sync is connected to
  • Edit or disconnect the connection by clicking on your POS and ID
  • Pause a sync with the Suspend button
  • Manually sync the connection by clicking Sync Now
  • If you have more than one location you can click Sync All to ... sync them all.

 The Commerce Sync for Desktop app runs continuously throughout the day, checking in to see if there is any new information to transfer into your company file. Usually there is just one transfer of sales activity early in the morning. The app checks other times of the day in case the first sync missed something.

Ideal syncing conditions:

  • The computer is turned on. The app will only run when the computer is turned on.
  • The company file Commerce Sync is transferring to is open. If you open other company files on this computer, ideally you'll close them all down at the end of the night so Commerce Sync can transfer into the correct one in the morning.
  • QuickBooks can be closed down completely. Actually this is ideal, when it is closed our app can transfer directly to the company file. This seems to transfer the sales activity faster.
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