How Your Transaction Information Appears In QuickBooks Online, for Stripe

Commerce Sync automates the transfer of Stripe payment information to your QuickBooks Online account every day. This is how it will look.

Your daily sales total will appear on an invoice in QuickBooks, with single line item showing the sales total for the day. This invoice will be paid with credit card payments, associated to the invoice, marking it as PAID.

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Note: Commerce Sync does not transfer inventory or other metadata into your QuickBooks Online account. We do support transferring Customer information.

Your daily deposit information will appear on a deposit in QuickBooks, the deposit will show in the register of the bank account that you have selected in the Commerce Sync Dashboard settings. There will be a line on the deposit noting your Stripe Fees.

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The Stripe Fees account is an expense account and will show on your standard Profit and Loss report in QuickBooks. 

If you have your bank account connected in QuickBooks online you will Match the deposit Commerce Sync creates to the deposit on your QuickBooks Online Banking screen.

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