How Your Transaction Information Appears in Xero, For Stripe

Commerce Sync automates the transfer of Stripe transaction information to your Xero account every day. This is how it will look.

Your daily sales total is broken into individual charges and will appear as:

  • Charges on separate lines by ID
  • Description line for each refund (full or partial)
  • Stripe fees (subtracted from income or tracked in a separate expense account)

(Click to Enlarge) 

Note: Commerce Sync does not transfer inventory or other metadata into your Xero account. We do support transferring Customer information.


Stripe Fees Explained:

Stripe's advertised fee is 2.9% and 30¢ per transaction. For example, if you charge $20, you’ll receive $19.12 after the Stripe fee is applied. More information regarding Stripe's fees can be found on the Stripe Pricing page.

(Click to Enlarge)


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